Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hello, November. Nice to see you again.

November the first.
Sheesh. Seems like only a year ago I was faced with the start of this same month.
All the leaves have left. What remains are bare trees waiting to be graced with some white fluffy stuff.
Miss Sandy has decided to replace her absence with a winter chill. And rain.
I like each in their own way, but when they mix, it must makes the days blend together and I start losing it a bit.
I'm still unsure what day it is.

I've been addicted to Mumford & Sons lately. And Coldplay. Oh how I love Coldplay!
It gives me a strange nostalgic feeling.
Sparks. Sparks is the perfect song. Mmm...

You know what else is good?
"Hotel Transylvania".
Yeah, I'm a little late, but it's quite amazing.

I just noticed that if you stare at the word quite long enough, it just looks like a fancified quit... or a fruit. The "quite".


As I said, I'm losing it a bit.

♥ Happy November ♥