Monday, October 22, 2012

Books On My Bed

Being the bookworm that I am, I read a lot of books.
Start a lot of books...
Never finish a lot of books...
Generally I have at least half a dozen I'm reading at a time. New stuff, old stuff, stuff somebody gave me, stuff I found at random. Yeah.
Today I noticed that I have an absurd amount of books on my bed. Not counting school books, notebooks, planners, and my Bible, I found seven novels making themselves at home between my sheets. And what were these discoveries? Well, I suppose I'll tell you.

Book numero uno

"Black" - Ted Dekker
For those of you who don't know me, I am quite admittedly a Dekkie. I own almost all of his books. I'm constantly going through shelves at Ollie's to find a Dekker book I don't already own, or a hardcover copy of one I do.
Black I am re-reading. This may possibly be the third time I'm going through it. I'm not quite sure. It's a beautifully written fantasy/adventure/thriller that makes you wonder if this world is real. Elements of Biblical stories are blended into Dekker's original ideas to create a new world of ostensible ( heh, vocab word :) good and evil. But it's like Lay's - you can't read just one.

Libro dos

"Alfred Hitchcock's Solve-It-Yourself Mysteries"
Yeah, so, um, small admission here...
I haven't actually read it.
Any of it.
A trip to the library that displayed a very unorganized young adult's section and a very interesting children's corner resulted in me checking out this book. It looks delicious, but I've yet to take a bite.

Three (Spanish is overrated)

"Alice's Adventures In Wonderland" - Lewis Carroll
Well, of course I would sleep next to my favorite book! I can't tell you how many times I've read it. Possibly thirty. Maybe more. It has everything - old book feel and smell, perfectly antediluvian illustrations, written for a child... I love it :)

Cuatro (Just kidding)

"Saxe's Complete Poems"
When I was little, my dad would have me read a poem from this book every night. Can't say I totally loved it then, but it's grown on me. Some works are so full of eloquent truth, you can't resist it. Maybe next time, I'll tell you some of my favorite poems and stories from John Saxe.
On a side note, there's a message written on the first page to whoever this book was gifted to. It's dated 1927.

5 (SO much easier)

"Ghostly Tales and Eerie Poems of Edgar Allan Poe"
I love Poe, and, once again, I've yet to read even the first page. I plan on it tonight though. It looks eerie. O.O


"Come Away My Beloved" - Frances J. Roberts
Oh, if I only I could describe the wonderful truths in this little book, but I can't even begin to! I HIGHLY recommend it! If anyone could ever come close to capturing God's voice in such a beautiful way, Frances Roberts has done it.

Last one

"99 Questions Jesus Asked" - Jason Ostrander
I heard Jason speak at Creation Fest this past summer (he was also the MC for the Main Stage), and it was an expatiation of three or four of the questions in this books. I haven't finished it, and I kind of wish he would go into more detail in some, but if you want something short to ignite a study of your own - or with friends - I'd recommend this. It's geared towards teens, so... yeah.

And that's all! I hope I may have directed you towards some amazing books. I know they're amazing. Hopefully you will think the same :)