Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Dear Me...

I saw this a while ago, and had to share.

I’m not perfect.
I’m never going to be the 
prettiest one in the room.
Not everyone likes me.
I don’t have guys all over me.
I have breakouts.
I eat snacks after 7 p.m.
I quite often make mistakes.
I forget to do my homework.
I don’t always get straight A’s.
I play my music too loud.
I talk to myself.
I like to pretend what my future will be like.
I don’t get a million text messages a day.
I cry when I’m alone.
I sit on roofs.
I like guys who don’t like me back.
I overanalyze everything.
Sometimes, I’m sarcastic.
I offend people without meaning to.
I don’t know all the answers, but I know the One who does.
And when I realize how He feels about me ... 
the rest is not as important. 
By Rachel Dean

At some point in my life I have been every one of those things. Some of them I still am.
I love this.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like that, thinks like that.
I hope some of you feel the same. And I hope you can come to the last statement and be in full agreement.
None of us are perfect. And some of us are pretty convinced that, yeah, the rest of the girls in the world aren't perfect, but I'm way more imperfect than them.
You may be right. You may be wrong. But it doesn't matter.
God doesn't bestow grace upon any of us because we deserve it. And somewhere out there, someone less deserving than you has received that grace.
God is glorified in us through our imperfections.
Because His grace overcomes them all.
I love you all and I send a little prayer with this post...
That you realize you're undeserving of God's grace.
But He's willingly giving it to You anyway.
Because He loves you.
Because grace isn't for the deserving.
It's for you.

*This little poem is from SUSIE magazine's September/October issue.*