Thursday, November 29, 2012

Happy Sadness

I don't know what I want to say.
Some days I feel without words.
Most days, actually.
Is that a bad thing?
Words would help so much, but they just never come.

Ya know what stinks?
Haha, no I'm just kidding, I love you :P
But seriously.
You know when you wanna get closer to someone, and they start telling you some problems they have experienced.
And you're all like totally listening, and then they finish...
And you don't have anything to say.
You want to give them some advice, or comforting words, or something other than
"Yeah. That's tough."
*Insert frustration scream here*
Sometimes after the fact, when you're at home thinking through the conversation, the perfect words come to mind.
And you mentally face palm yourself.
"Why NOW???"
"Why not two hours ago?!"
Your brain starts heinously laughing at you.
Am I rambling? I'm sorry.
But I obviously have some social issues I need to get off my chest.

Ya know what else stinks?
Feeling left out, which then puts you in recluse mode.
It's just me? Oh, okay.
Sometimes I wish I had a twin.
A lot of times actually.
Or maybe I could just clone myself. That would be nice.
Then again, I get frustrated with myself quite often. So I suppose I would be doubly frustrated with two of me.
I'm quite often like Alice, scolding myself.
Giving myself good advice and very seldom following it.
Having every opportunity to be happy whenever I'd like, but feeling oh so lonely.
Please understand I'm not trying to have a pity party for myself.
Maybe I am.
But it helps to get this off my chest.
I think I'm just an overly emotional teenage girl.
Go figure.
I always told myself I would never go down that road.
And here I find myself in year five of overly emotional teen girl.
Geez Louise.
I need a focus.
A direction.
A path.
Ooh. Yes. Those are nice. I like that.
I would like to start a journey. An adventure.
Perhaps I already have and just haven't been paying attention.
Trying to start what's already been going for a long time.

Speaking of such things...
Are you excited for The Hobbit?
I am. Who isn't?
That's my kind of book.
A pleasant adventure with dwarves, dragons, elves and such.
Sometimes I wish I lived in a book.
Maybe I do.