Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Today is one of those days when I feel intense boredom coming on.

   Currently, I am in Virginia, 7 1/2 hours away from my cozy home in northeastern Pennsylvania, and I'm starting to lose my sanity. I've been here for over a week now. I managed the first week, but I have a feeling this next week won't be as easy. See, I don't handle being away from home very well as it is (I hate that weird, something's-off feeling you get when you're out of your environment), but two weeks away from my boyfriend (which, yeah, doesn't seem that bad, I know) is making my a little anxious to get home. Even though he's not even home right now. He's in Illinois enjoying the last day of his hunting trip with his dad.

*Cue intense, dramatic, depressing music*

   So this is my sob story. Spoiled little Emily who gets to see her boyfriend almost every day has been thrust into work in the not-Pennsylvania state of Virginia, where she must bear two weeks without the love of her life.

*Le sigh*

   I've realized God likes to put a lot of almost unbearable periods of waiting in my life. I'm pretty sure it's because I hate waiting so much. I hate knowing what I want and knowing I can have it, just... not yet. It makes me terribly anxious (and according to my sister, a little cranky), and I don't like having to put up with it.

   I have to remind myself that God never does anything that isn't for out benefit in the end - He works all things together for good for those who love Him. Right now, I'm seeing no good in this. But God is always working something out. Right now, it's my responsibility to lean on Him to satisfy me and comfort every ache and longing in my heart. I want my sweet man in my arms right now so I can smother him to death with affection, but I just have to wait. And instead of moping around, I need to distract my mind and use my time to glorify God and enjoy this last week He's given me here with my family - even if I would much rather be cuddling with someone other than my two little cousins.

   God is enough. God is sufficient. And He doesn't just relieve the longings I have for other things - He gives and satisfies a different longing for Himself. And I never have to wait to enjoy time with Him. This is a season of waiting and expectation. Advent is upon us and we're focusing on the arrival of Jesus Christ into this world. Let us rejoice that He HAS come, we are free, and now, we have the joyous expectation of His second coming, which will end our waiting forever. Live in light of eternity. Be anxious for nothing. Live today as your last.

And bake some cookies, because it's that time of year, and there's nothing better than a glass of cold milk and a few [dozen] cookies for breakfast.


  1. Ugh I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post. So much. It perfectly describes how I've been feeling lately, and it just makes me so happy to know that I'm not the only one experiencing this. Please post more often!!

  2. oops I meant to write that comment on your last post. lol
