Monday, September 10, 2012

Looking At the Scenery

Fall has practically arrived, at least in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Leaves are falling. Weather is chilly. Clouds roll in, bringing with them a calming dreariness that only autumn can bring.

Have you ever had a piece of scenery engrave itself in your mind and every time you see it, you feel how you felt in that moment?
That's not very clear.

For me, there are certain bits of fall that take me back to places I once was. Endless fields of yellow. Naked trees. Colorful lawns. Those things. It is almost deja vu. I feel that one moment and then...
I can't remember it.
There's nothing worse than having a feeling and not being able to place it.
Like going back and not knowing where you are. Feeling a little lost, I suppose. Lost in familiarity.

I am going to try something a little different. I'm going to remove the ability to comment on posts.
If you have something urgent to say on something that you just can't hold in, I encourage you to e-mail me at
Otherwise, read or don't.
Like or dislike.

I had a weird JB (the ORIGINAL JB) flashback moment today when this came on my iPod... and I remembered how much I liked them, "back in the day"